Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How to cancel a facility reservation

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1. In PARKS DIRECT, select Global Sales on the sidebar menu.

2. Highlight the client’s household on the Global Sales Lookup data grid and select Select. PARKS DIRECT will bring you to the Global Sales screen.

3. Scroll to the right and select Purchase History where you'll see the client’s purchase history including active rentals.

4. Highlight the facility rental that the client is canceling.

  • In the Module column, enter Facility Rental (FR) to filter the list of past transactions.

5. Select Cancel > Cancel Selected Items on the dropdown menu.

If an after the fact discount for maintenance/customer service reasons is necessary, use the “Update Fees” button to apply discount instead of canceling

Depending on the cancellation fee for what you’re canceling, fees will be deducted from the credit a client will receive.

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