Gift card payment options can be applied to other modules and not just Inventory management. Facility management, service item management, pass management, and etc...
Head to the module that best suits your item but for this example we will be using a "Inventory item
1. Find the item in POS Inventory Management.
2. Head to the Fees tab and select the fee that will receive the gift card payment. Open the selected fee.
3. In the Fee Details box on the right, click the arrows for the Gift Certificate List to open it.
4. Select the gift card that is applicable for the fee. In this example, the first three have been checked in.
5. Once you have finished your selections, press the Select button.
Do not select MNCPPC-GCA-0004 PARKS DIRECT Rain Check. This is only for tee times.
6. Save and close, and your fees will now be able to take the selected gift cards as a payment option.