Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

Change fees for residents charged non-resident prices

Updated on

Occasionally, customers will purchase something with an unverified account, so PARKS DIRECT will charge them the non-resident fee instead of the discounted resident fee they should be charged. The incorrect non-resident fee is easy to modify once the customer's residency on their PARKS DIRECT account has been verified.

With the customer's household open in the Household Update application, change the household's Category after you've verified their residency in Prince George's County, Montgomery County, or the Prince George's Sports & Learning Complex impact area.

  1. In Global Sales, go to the Purchase History tab.
  2. Select the item they paid for at the wrong, non-resident rate.
  3. Select Update Fees at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Select Reset Fees.

PARKS DIRECT will move the item to the shopping cart with an updated fee calculation. If a resident was overcharged, you will see a refund due. Process normally, and select the Refund Apply option on the checkout screen to add credit equal to the amount overcharged onto the customer's account.

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