Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

Selling a Gift Card

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Gift cards may be used as a payment method for any item in PARKS DIRECT. Selling a gift card, adding money to an existing gift card, and checking the balance of a gift card are all detailed in the expandable sections below.

Selling Gift Cards
  1. Start in Global Sales; generate the customer's account using your best practice
  2. Click the POS Service tab.
  3. Search for item MNCPPC-GCA-0001 or type PARKS DIRECT Gift Card in the short description field.
  4. Click the item to select it.
  5. Click Add To Cart.

The gift card will be sold to the account of the customer you have selected. This will allow them to use the gift card for purchases linked to their household. If the customer does not have an account, or if the gift card is intended for a person that doesn't exist in the database, switch to the Daily Guest household.

Key in the desired value of the gift card in the Amount field and fill in Gift Certificate Options as required:

Click Continue. The gift card is added to the shopping cart and payment can be taken as normal.

The only required field is Gift Certificate Number, however, selling a gift card on a customer's account or selecting an Alternate Household will give that household the option to use the gift card on payment screens without having the physical card.

  1. Select the gift card pay code.
  2. Choose from a list of available gift cards assigned to the household.
Adding Money to an Existing Gift Card
  1. Find the gift card item under the POS Service tab of Global Sales. (MNCPPC-GCA-0001 as Service Item Code or PARKS DIRECT Gift Card in Short Description field.)
  2. Click the gift card item to select it.
  3. Click Reload Gift Certificate.
  1. Enter the value you wish to add to an existing gift card.
  2. Enter the gift card number.
  3. Click Continue.

The shopping cart is updated to reflect the desired funds increase. Take payment as normal.

Checking Gift Card Value

A gift card that is linked to a household will always show the remaining value at the payment screen:

To check the value of a physical card:

  1. Click Inquiry.
  2. Select Gift Certificate Detail Inquiry. You may have to scroll down using the scroll bar.
  1. Key in the gift card number into the datagrid to see a summary of the gift card in question.
  2. Click Detail to see other details like the date the card was sold, and get a list of receipts for transactions in which the gift card was used.

To redeem a gift card for services, see the article on using gift cards as payment.

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