Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

Apply Late Payment Fees

Updated on

The following article explains adding late fees to an account and processing without accepting a payment for the added fees. To find accounts that have outstanding activity enrollment balances, use the Activity Roster Fees Report.

If a customer has an overdue balance, you may apply late fees by selecting the customer household in Global Sales.

  1. Click the POS Service tab.
  2. Search for the proper late payment fee.
  3. Select it by clicking it.
  4. Enter how many times you'll be assessing a late fee using the quantity field. (Ex: 2 camp enrollments, qty = 2)
  5. Click Add to Cart.

If you didn't have a specific family member selected already, Global Sales will ask which family members from the household you wish to sell to. Check one or several customers.

Pay attention to the quantity being sold. Example: If you typed a quantity of 2 and then selected 3 customers, you'd sell 2 late fees to each of the 3 customers for a total of 6 late fees.

The late fees will be added to the shopping cart. Verify that the late fees match outstanding balances and click the payment button to proceed to checkout.

To proceed without taking a payment, change the "Total Paid" amount to $0.00 and simply click the Process button at the bottom of the screen.

PARKS DIRECT warns that you are not taking a payment, but instead, leaving the balance on the account:

The next time the account is pulled up (in person or online), the late fees will be included in fees due for the household.

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