How to block off Internal Camp & Playground/External Camps
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Internal Camp
- On the lookup page, search for the Internal Household account of the Community Center that will be renting out the facility.
- Once you're at the sales page, click on the Super Grid tab
- Select the appropriate profile, it should read "Online Reservation".
- Proceed with creating the rental (Date, capacity, etc.).
- Write down notes describing the rental.
- Your shopping cart will now be updated, and the total should read $0.00, since this is an internal rental.
- At the final page, select the Email Receipt button, and change the email address to the renter's email.
- You can now process and finish out the rental process.
External Camp
- Find and select the household that will be renting.
- Find the Super Grid tab and select the correct profile. It should end in "Online Reservation".
- Create the rental (Date, Capacity, etc.).
- Write down notes describing the rental.
- There will be a payment due, since this is an external rental.
- The total due must be discounted to read $0.00, so enter Cart Options and select Update Fees from Cart.
- In the Discount box, enter the exact total that was due so that the Net Fee will read 0.00.
- At the final page, select the Email Receipt button, and change the email address to the renter's email.
- You can now process and finish out the rental process.