Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How to block off Internal Camp & Playground/External Camps

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Internal Camp

Enter Global Sales

On the lookup page, search for the Internal Household account of the Community Center that will be renting out the facility.

Once you're at the sales page, click on the Super Grid tab

Select the appropriate profile, it should read "Online Reservation".

Proceed with creating the rental (Date, capacity, etc.).

Write down notes describing the rental.

Your shopping cart will now be updated, and the total should read $0.00, since this is an internal rental.

At the final page, select the Email Receipt button, and change the email address to the renter's email.

You can now process and finish out the rental process.

External Camp

Go to global sales.

Find and select the household that will be renting.

Find the Super Grid tab and select the correct profile. It should end in "Online Reservation".

Create the rental (Date, Capacity, etc.).

Write down notes describing the rental.

There will be a payment due, since this is an external rental.

The total due must be discounted to read $0.00, so enter Cart Options and select Update Fees from Cart.

In the Discount box, enter in the exact total that was due so that the Net Fee will read 0.00.

At the final page, select the Email Receipt button, and change the email address to the renter's email.

You can now process and finish out the rental process.

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