All RecTrac (PARKS DIRECT) facilities are required to make a deposit of all physical funds (cash, checks, money orders, traveler's checks) at least once per week, with the deposit period running from every Friday until the following Thursday. Facilities must also make a deposit the next business day any time they exceed $1,000 in physical funds in their safe/dropbox.
For each deposit period (F-Th), the facility should run a RecTrac (PARKS DIRECT) deposit report and submit that report along with all corresponding deposit slips (a copy of each deposit slip if multiple deposits were made during that period) to the Help Desk. This report and attached deposit slips should be submitted via the Online Deposit System or by delivering the documents to the Help Desk in person, and must be submitted by the Wednesday following the deposit period.
For example, if the deposit period ran from Friday January 1 - Thursday January 7, the report and deposit slips for that period should be submitted by Wednesday, January 13th.
The RecTrac (PARKS DIRECT) Bank Deposit Report can be accessed by clicking the "Custom Reports" link in the RecTrac (PARKS DIRECT) Quick Links header.

This will take you to our RecTrac (PARKS DIRECT) Custom Reports application, where you'll see all of our custom reports organized by category. Click on "Deposit Reports" to access the RecTrac (PARKS DIRECT) Deposit Report.

After selecting "Deposit Reports" choose the report titled "RecTrac (PARKS DIRECT) Bank Deposit Report".

Choose the appropriate facility from the drop-down menu and enter the dates you wish to run the deposit report for (typically the Friday-Thursday of the deposit period). Then click "View Report". The cash, check, and total amounts for that facility should appear shortly.
If there are no batch-related issues with your report, you will just see totals for each payment type as shown in the the example below.
If there are any batch-related issues for batches started during your date range, they will appear in one of two troubleshooting sections.

- Section 1 lists batches that remain open past the batch start date. These batches need to be closed with a final count entered before the Bank Deposit Report is re-run.
- Section 2 lists closed batches with over/short issues. These over/shorts should be addressed and corrected however possible before the report is submitted to Finance. Follow these directions for batch corrections.
Once you have verified that the report shows the correct data for the deposit period, you can download and save this report as a .pdf to submit via the Online Deposit System along with your deposit ticket(s).