1. To begin processing security deposit reports, navigate to the menu on the left side of RecTrac, find the "Reporting" tab, then find and select "Report Output Listing".

2. You will be taken to a DataGrid called "Report Headers". Scroll down until you find the "Module/Group Facility - Financial" listing, and then select "PGParks - Facility Deposits Report". After it is selected, click on "Run Report" at the bottom of the page.
3. A pop-up will appear, and its default selections will be "Facility Reservation Report" and "No Template Selected". Use these default settings and click on continue.
4. In the Facility DataGrid, click on the space under "Fac Class" and type in PAB. Select all the PAB facility listings.
Repeat this process for the HSM facility and the PBN facility.
5. Once you have selected all the proper facilities, delete any text that may be remaining under "Fac Class" to bring up every facility. By opening up the options menu and clicking on "Show Only Selected", the list will only show the previously selected PAB, HSM, and PBN facilities.
6. On the right side of the page, there will be several check boxes and drop down menus. Make sure "Use Reservation Date Range" is selected, then change the Begin and End Reservation Dates to "Actual Date" and fill in the correct dates. After that, change the output type at the bottom of the page to "Summary". Lastly, select the "Process" button.
7. One last pop-up will appear, and ensure that the PDF and Preview Report options are selected. When you are ready to finish, press "Continue" at the bottom of the pop-up.