How many visitors did you have at your site today? This week? This month? The Pass Visit Reports in PARKS DIRECT will provide visitor information in a variety of outputs to help tell the story of visitors at your site.
1. Click the Reporting tab.

2. Select Pass Visit Reports from the burgundy Pass Reports section of the menu.

3. You are presented with a datagrid containing all types of passes. Filter as necessary to find the passes you wish to report on.
For a quick filter of passes at your facility, use the drop-down menu at the Short Description column header and select "Contains". Then type your facility acronym.
4. Select the passes you wish to report on by clicking on them. They will be highlighted in blue. To deselect a pass, simply click it again.

5. Set your desired parameters in the Visit Location/Date/Time Range frame.
6. Select the desired report output type and click "Process".
VSI - Hourly Visit Report by Location - List of all passes scanned and the time each visit was processed.
VSI - Pass Visit Log - Produces a summarized list of passes and reports the total scans per day.
VSI - Household Visit Log - Produces a report sorted by household and identifies dates and times member visits were processed. Not useful for visits sold using Guest Household.
VSI - Pass Member Visit History - Sorted by household similar to Household Visit Log and not useful for Daily Guest passes.
7. A new window appears that allows you to set your report output preferences. Change any desired settings and click "Continue".
8. You can still opt to print or even download your report results using the icons at the top of the PDF preview window.

Thank you to Julia Cowdery for the contents of this article.