With PARKS DIRECT, you can review a facility’s upcoming and past reservations with the facility reservation report that's in PARKS DIRECT.
Set up your report
1. Log in to PARKS DIRECT and go to Reporting > Facility Reservation Reports on the sidebar menu.

2. From the Facility DataGrid, check the checkbox (or checkboxes) next to the facility you want in your report.
Select the Facility Class Management or Facility Location picklist button. Then choose the class or facility location on the PARKS DIRECT pop-up. Use the location code and short description filters to sort the datagrid.

An example of a facility class is an arts and crafts room, and an example of a facility location is Prince George’s Sports & Learning Complex.

To select all of the facilities on your datagrid, select the options button on the top-left corner of the Facility DataGrid. Then choose Select All Rows on the dropdown.

Enter your report's date range
3. To the right, on the Reservations Filters area, choose the beginning and ending dates you want in your report.
Select Actual Date on the dropdown to choose a date from the calendar.
You also have the option to filter your report's Reservation Status, Reservation Type, Weekday, and archive status.

4. The report will use the default template.
If you want to change the template, select Report Templates on the bottom-right corner of the screen. Then choose the template and select Apply Template Settings on the Template Maintenance pop-up. To go back to the default settings, select the Default Settings button.
By default, PARKS DIRECT uses an output template called Facility Reservation Report with Location Time and Reservation Purpose (depending on the Report Template). To use a different output template, select the up and down arrows to the right of the Output Template box, which is on the screen’s bottom right. If the template you have in mind isn’t on the dropdown, you might have to select a different Output Group.

Process and save your report
5. Select the Process button on the bottom-right corner of the screen.
6. Select Continue on the Report Options pop-up. Vermont Systems will process your report, which could take a bit of time.
On the Report Options pop-up, you can choose your report’s file type and how you want to receive your report.
7. When Vermont Systems finishes processing, PARKS DIRECT will open your report. Save and print your report using the preview window’s buttons on the top right.
If you close the report, you can return to it by going to PARKS DIRECT’s Notifications.