Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

Currently Requested Facility Permit/Community Connect Report: PGParks - facility report description

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In order to run reports:

1. In the search bar search "Report Output".

2. Select "Report Output Listing".

In Report Output Listing

1. In the "Description" Column type "Facility".

2. Select the "Module/Group: Facility Reservation".

3. Highlight "PGPARKS - Facility Reservation Report With Description".

4. Click "Run Report"

The following "Information" will prompt, click "Continue".

On the right hand side under "Facility Range"

1. Check the "Use Facility Range" box.

2. In the "End Facility" box make sure it is set to "ZZZZZZ".

In the "Reservation Status" drop down menu select the following: Permit - Approved, Permit - Complete, Permit - In Review, Permit -Incomplete, Permit- Rejected.

Once you have the "Reservation Status" selected.

Check the "Use Reservation Date Range" box and enter the date range to populate the report with appropriate information.

Once you have entered the information in, click "Process".

Select the "File Format" and "Output Options" that works best for you and click "Continue".

Report processing and wait for report to generate.

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