What are batches?
A batch logs revenue during specific lengths of time, preventing incorrect counts while staff work behind a cash drawer.
Anytime users log on to PARKS DIRECT and connect to a terminal with Vermont Integration Client (VIC), they will either open a new batch or join an existing one. Users should close their batch every time they log off, at which point, PARKS DIRECT will prompt them to count on-hand cash, check, and money order revenue. Go to this article for closeout procedures from a customer service representative's point of view.
From a facility manager's perspective, improperly counted closed batches and unclosed batches can throw off PARKS DIRECT's Bank Deposit Report, which shows overages or shortages that managers need to resolve. Go to this article for more information on the Bank Deposit Report.
The information below are a resource to help facility managers keep track of batch closures at their facility and diagnose then resolve batch issues that arise. Go to this article for closeout procedures from a manager's point of view.
Anyone on PARKS DIRECT with manager on duty (MOD) level permissions or above can view and alter batches (active or closed) at the facilities where they have log-on permissions. To view or change batches in, go to the End of Shift Change screen.
1. Log on to PARKS DIRECT, then on the sidebar menu, select Management > System Management > Financial Management > End of Shift Change. RecTrac will bring you to a new screen with the End of Shift Batches datagrid.
- Another way is to enter end of shift change in the Filter Menu box.
2. To shorten the list and view batches within a date range, select the filter icon below Begin Date and ensure it's set to On or After.

3. Select the calendar below Begin Date and choose the date you want for your begin date range.

4. Select the filter icon below End Date and ensure it is set to On or Before.

5. Select the Calendar icon below End Date and choose the date you want for you end date range.

6. To filter the list even more, enter a cash drawer number in the Drawer Number column's filter and press Enter on your keyboard . Go here for a list of facility cash drawers.
In most cases, PARKS DIRECT makes spotting counting errors easy. Below is a screenshot of the column.
Please note, if the Over/Short Information column isn't immediately visible, you must scroll to the right to see it. You can also expand a column's width by clicking and dragging the top of a column's left and right sides.
The example above explains how to spot batches counted with an amount different than what PARKS DIRECT expected, based on the user's transactions. The example below, "Correcting improperly counted batches," shows how to correct batches with wrong counts.
It's important to note, though, that just because a batch is over or short, it doesn't mean staff made an incorrect count. In some cases, a user really will have more or less money on hand than what PARKS DIRECT expected, and it’s necessary to instruct staff to accurately record money on hand. In all cases, the best way to determine whether a batch is correct or not is to have a written record outside of PARKS DIRECT to compare it against, like the logbook referenced in this article.
If a batch was counted accurately and is over or short, it can be fixed, but solutions are different for each.
- Go to this article to learn how to troubleshoot shortages.
- Go to this article to learn to troubleshoot overages.
If a batch is recorded as over or short because it was counted inaccurately, use the instructions below.
Let's zero in on one of the examples above, batch number 260259.
To filter the datagrid to a single batch, enter the batch number in the Batch Number column and set the filter to Equals.
As it states in the Over/Short Information column, this batch was counted $100 short in cash it's easy enough to see the reason why. The cashier started their day with $100 worth of cash in the drawer (as indicated under the Begin Balance column) and then the user counted $0.00 in cash at the end of their day (indicated under the End Balance column). It's easy to understand why this seemed like the right thing to do since the cashier likely didn't take any cash payments for the day. However, if the starting amount was $100, the closing amount will need to be at least that much, otherwise PARKS DIRECT will record a short batch.
Spotting the error is the first step, and next is correcting it.
1. Start by selecting the row representing the batch you're modifying. You'll know it's selected when PARKS DIRECT highlights the row in blue.
2. Select Close Batch, which is at the bottom of End of Shift Batches screen and towards the left.
3. PARKS DIRECT brings up the Close Out Batch screen shown below.
4. In this case, you'll want to modify the row that lists Cash by selecting the pencil icon on the left side of the row. The pencil icon will turn blue, and you can change the Counted Amount.
5. Modify the count by selecting the box in the Counted Amount column and typing in the correct number.
6. Select the pencil icon on the left was to save your modification.
7. After you've adjusted all the necessary rows, the last step is to select Post End of Shift, a green button at the bottom of the Close Out screen.

You'll know you've done this correctly when PARKS DIRECT brings up an updated End of Shift report.
Occasionally it will be necessary to join a batch after opening it, usually to correct or reverse a transaction that was entered incorrectly. Users with MOD or facility director level permissions can do so by selecting an individual's batch as shown above in "Correcting improperly counted batches" and then selecting the Join Batch button on the bottom left corner of the End of Shift Change screen.
1) Do my customer service representatives (CSR) see the same thing as me when they close their drawers?
No. For staff with CSR permissions, the Calculated Amount column on the Close Out Batch screen will read all zeroes, even if the user has entered cash, check or money order payments into PARKS DIRECT. This forces CSRs to make a blind count and submit what they actually have on hand, rather than simply entering what PARKS DIRECT expects. Users with MOD level permissions and above will see the Calculated Amount that PARKS DIRECT expects. However, they should still perform physical counts and enter their actual amount on hand for each tender type.
2) Who can update batch counts?
Any user with MOD permissions or above can access the End of Shift Change screen and update batch counts.
3) What if I work at multiple facilities?
The End of Shift screen will display the batches for whichever facility you chose upon logging in to RecTrac.
4) How can I see all the transactions that are included in a batch?
The Cash Journal Report in PARKS DIRECT is the best resource for seeing a detailed list of transactions. While a specific batch number cannot run this report, there is a report option to show each transaction's batch number by time frames or by users. Go to this article for full instructions on running a Cash Journal Report.
5) How do these batches affect my Bank Deposit Report?
The total for each tender type on the PARKS DIRECT Bank Deposit Report (found in Custom Reports) should equal the total counted amount* for that tender type (cash, check, etc.) on all batches closed within the report's date range. This means each time you update a batch's count, the value of your Bank Deposit Report will change for that date range. Go to this article for more on the Bank Deposit Report.
*If a transaction associated with a given batch is refunded or reversed by the Help Desk, that negative amount will post to your Bank Deposit Report on the day the refund or reversal occurred, not the date the batch was closed. You can find out more about refunds or reversals in our article on troubleshooting shortages on PARKS DIRECT here.
6) What happens if a batch is opened one day and closed another?
All batches should be closed the day they are opened or whenever a CSR leaves at the end of their shift. However, if a mistake is made, the amounts from that batch will be represented on the Bank Deposit Report the day it is was closed.