There are several types of attendance worksheets that may be appropriate for your activity sections. This article demonstrates how to generate an attendance worksheet and provides examples of a few different types.
- Click Inquiry.
- Select Section Inquiry.

- Filter as necessary and click the desired sections to select them.
- Choose VSI - Class Attendance Worksheet from the roster type drop-down.
- Click the Print Roster button.

A new window appears with different output options. Select options as desired and click Continue:
- Roster Checklist Option - Determines which type of worksheet will print (examples below)
- Sort Option - Sort your roster by first name, last name, age, or sate of enrollment.
- Phone Type To Print - Choose whether to print a phone number or exclude it from the report.
- Print Option - Choose from standard printing or select specific dates to print attendance worksheets for.
- Guardian Print Option - Choose whether to print the main contact's name or exclude it from the report.
- Comment Option - Choose to print comments from enrolled client details or exclude them from the report.
Report Examples
Roster Checklist Option: Print Attendance Boxes

Roster Checklist Option: Print Signature Line

Roster Checklist Option: CYMS Sign In/Out