Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How to cancel a section

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If your program is no longer going to occur, using PARKS DIRECT, you can set the section to a canceled status and issue refunds to all registered participants.

Canceling a section is different from deleting it. You may only delete a section if it was created in error and has no participants. If customers are enrolled, you must cancel a course, not delete it.

Open the section and select the Cancel Section button

Log in to PARKS DIRECT and select the menu icon on the upper left.

Select Management > Activity Management > Activity Management on the sidebar menu.

Find the activity code for the section that you're managing on the datagrid. Highlight it and select Section Management on the bottom left to edit your section.

Find the section you're canceling, highlight it, and then select More > Cancel Section.

PARKS DIRECT will open a cancellation window with several options on what will happen after successfully canceling the section. Choose a Refund Option and check the Email Receipt checkbox.

Next, select Process on the bottom-left corner of the cancellation window.

In the Refund Option box, use Refund Apply to give a customer's household credit for the canceled section, and use Refund Finance to request refunds to customer's personal finance accounts.

Checking the checkbox next to Email Receipt automatically sends an email about the cancellation to everyone previously enrolled in the section.

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