Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How to create sections under another activity

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When you open the Activity Management program, highlight an Activity, then click the Section Management button, you are opening an instance of the Activity Section Management program with the Activity you had selected "locked-in" for that instance of the program. It may appear as though PARKS DIRECT is stuck on a single activity and won't let you switch.

In order to create sections under another activity, you must:

1. Close the Activity Section Management window. To close it, move your cursor over the window's tab and select the that appears to the right.

You will have to close Activity Section Management every time you create another new section.  In other words, you have to close Activity Section Management so that you are no longer "locked-in" to an activity.

Once closed, you must select an activity on the datagrid from Activity Management and begin a new instance of the Activity Section Management program.

2. Highlight the activity where you want to create the section.

3. Select the Section Management button.

Go to How to create a section for more details on section creation.

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