Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How to edit the entry attendance of an activity's section

Updated on

Open Activity Attendance Posting

Log in to PARKS DIRECT and select the menu icon on the upper left of the screen.

Next, select Management > Activity Management > Period End Programs > Activity Attendance Posting. PARKS DIRECT will open a new window.

Edit the section's attendance

  1. Enter the section’s full code (activity and section code) in the Section box. Or select your section from the picklist using the picklist icon on the right side of the Section box.
  2. Then in the Post Date box, enter the date of the section with the attendance you’re editing.
  3. On the datagrid, highlight the registrants who attended the section on the date you entered in the Post Date box.
  4. Select Post Selected on the bottom-left corner of the screen.

To use the picklist, select the picklist icon to the right of the Section box. Then use the picklist’s filters on the top of the columns by entering your section’s information in a filter’s box and then selecting Enter on your keyboard. Lastly, highlight your activity's section and select Select on the bottom left.

Now, the registrants who you selected have their visit status set to Yes.

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