Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How to create drop-in visits for an activity's section

Updated on

When creating activity sections, users may want to allow customers to purchase a one-time drop-in for the activity. PARKS DIRECT keeps track of section enrollments and single visit drop-ins when reporting participation, which streamlines reporting on the activity’s attendance.

Unsure if you want to allow drop in visits or just create POS Service Items? Go to this article to see the pros and cons.

Locate your section
  1. Log in to PARKS DIRECT and select Management > Activity Management > Activity Section Management on the menu’s sidebar.

2. Find your section on the Activity Section Management datagrid. Then highlight it and select Change on the bottom left.

  • You can filter the datagrid by entering the section’s activity code or description in the appropriate boxes and selecting Enter on your keyboard.
Add drop-in availability to your section
  1. Move down the Activity Section Update window and check the checkbox next to Allow Drop In’s under Additional Settings on the core tab, .

2. Select the Fees tab on the upper left, move down the window, and select Link Set > Link Set As Template, on the bottom left. PARKS DIRECT will open a Set Maintenance - Fee Set pop-up window.

3. Highlight Template - Section Drop In Fees on the datagrid, then select Create Set Template on the bottom-left corner of the pop-up.

  • To filter the datagrid, enter drop in into the Description box, then select Enter on your keyboard.

4. PARKS DIRECT will add two new fees, Drop in NR (non-resident) and Drop in R (resident) to the datagrid. To edit the fees, select the Edit Row pencil icon on the left side of a fee, then enter the fee’s amount in its box under the Amount column.

Non-resident fees are 30% more than the corresponding resident fee.

DON'T check the "Required" (Req) checkbox. If you check the boxes, all customers will not be able to purchase the activity.

5. Select the Edit Row pencil icon again after changing the drop-in fee. Remember to update both the resident and non-resident amount.

6. Select Save on the bottom-left of the window when you’re finished updating your section.

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