Once a template or activities are applied to a work order, users can begin booking their tool labor.
To do this, navigate from the Record view to the Tools tab, The Tools tab can be found within the "More" dropdown menu located at the far right of the screen.
Tool Usage Details
Users will then book their tool labor within the Tool Usage Details section, located near the bottom of the page.
NOTE - All fields required will have a red asterisk symbol *
1. Activity Field: Specify the activity for which you are booking a tool. For example, you might enter "150 - Travel" as shown in the screenshot above.
2. Maint. Area/Division: Select the Maintenance division where the tool is located (NRPD, SRPD, or FSD). Ensure you choose the correct division for the allocated tool to avoid errors.
Please use the proper division where the tool(s) live. If not, the cost associated with the tool will not be displayed.
3. Tool Field: Insert the tool used for this work order. Scroll through and select the appropriate tool using the Dataspy feature.
4. Date Used: This section is auto-filled. If the tool usage date is not the current, users should edit it accordingly.
5. Quantity: Enter the specific quantity of the tool used for the work activity.
6. Hours Used: Enter the total hours the tool was used for the work activity.
7. Save Record: Save the record once required fields are correctly filled.
8. New Record: Create a new record if needed.
NOTE - Users can Import existing Scheduled tools if they have them setup. When imported the fields will automatically populate with the scheduled tool data.