Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

Creating a Work Request

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Work Requests are created to get an issue addressed through the EAM/ParkStat system. The steps below will allow a user to create these requests for service.

This is NOT to be used for IT requests such as: computers, phones, network services or the alarm systems

1. Go to Work > Create Work Request

work request

2.  While in the Work Request screen, click on the New Record button. This will take users to a new Work Request Form.

Create new work order
Asset Lookup

3. In the form, enter the Asset/Equipment number that needs to be serviced. To find the Asset/Equipment by name, click the Dataspy (Magnifying glass which leads to a filter) inside the Asset/ Equipment field.



If it’s a park or building, double click in the Asset/Equipment field to select the Parks / Buildings Filter, and find the park or building that needs to be serviced.


Asset search


4.   While in the Equipment Lookup search page, find the asset that needs to be serviced. For example, Deerfield Run needs to have service done to the men’s room sink. The staff would type “Deerfield” in the Description field. When clicking the Run button, it will return all Assets related to the facility (see image below). The results can be filtered further by Class or Category.


Equipment Lookup


5. Click on the Equipment that needs to be serviced. Once it is selected and highlighted in blue, click OK at the bottom of the screen.


NOTE:  After selecting the equipment, the Location and Maint Area/Division will auto-populate in their respective fields.

Filling in the Form

6. In the Description Field, describe briefly (80 characters or less) the issue or reason for service.


7.  Notice the Request Type field defaults to Breakdown-Fix.  If it’s not a Breakdown-Fix, use the dropdown to select the proper request type such as: Projects, Service Request, or etc. (See the Request Type definitions at the end of this document.)


Notice the Request Classification field is defaulted to BLD-FAC which categorizes the issue to the Area Maintenance yards (Central, Northern  Southern). If the request has to go to the trades, click on the Dataspy, remove BLD-FAC and click Run.




The system will display classes needed such as: Electric, Plumbing, Carpentry and etc. Select the proper Request Classification for your Work Request and then click OK.




Service Request Types belong to the Request Classifications below:  

EXH: Exhibit Shop Request (Service)

GHTF: Greenhouse / Tree Farm Request (Service)

NOTE: An error message will display if Request Type and Request Classification does not correspond.


The Status field will always default to Work Request.


The Requested by field will always default to the requestor’s Employee ID. (If the request is not for you, then it can be changed by clicking on the Requested by Dataspy and searching for the user.) Additional requestors can be added in the 2nd and 3rd Requested by fields if needed.


The Who to Contact field is for assigning a point of contact person. This field can be used, for instance, if the employee, requestor, is not available, like an Assistant Director, Regional Manager or another staff person. This works similarly to the Requested By.


Though it is optional, please include a number in the Phone Number field for staff to contact about this Work Request.


Hours Facility is Available field will help staff plan when to schedule time for Work Request submission.

If a comment needs to be added, click on the Save button at the top of the page, navigate back to the Comments Section to click on the New Record button and enter your comments.



All required fields (*) MUST be completed before entering comments into the Work Request. If not, an error message will display.


Once everything is completed, click the Save button at top of the screen.  The system will generate a Work Request number.

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