Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How to freeze a household and update its tickler

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Remember, PARKS DIRECT will still allow you and the client to access the account even thought it is frozen. Access to a frozen account is mainly for balance payment purposes, PARKS DIRECT will not allow new registrations of any type to take place while the account is frozen.

Freezing and updating tickler alert text

Update the tickler text with the information needed to freeze the account (with the information mentioned above) in the Household Update section of the account.

Start by signing in to PARKS DIRECT and going to Household Management.

Once your on the Household Management screen, search for a client using their HH number or last name. Then select the Change button.

Select the Misc Info tab where you'll see the boxes you need to fill in.

  1. Misc Info - displays miscellaneous information including the tickler text and comment text.
  2. Features - allows you to freeze the account by hitting the drop down and checking owes balance. Keep in mind, owes balances will need to be unchecked to unfreeze the account.  
  3. Tickler Text - allows you to enter important info that any user bringing up their account needs to know. In this box, enter all contact information regarding client's balance.
  4. Comment Text - Similar to the Tickler Text, this section allows you to enter comments or information about this account. The difference is this text will not display when users bring up the account. The text here is only seen when reviewing it from the Misc Info tab.  

For further information on best practices for entering tickler text information, review AR Screen Steps.

Need further assistance or have questions about a particular account? Remember you can always contact the Park and Planning Help Desk at [email protected]

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