Every February, the Help Desk Finance Office issues clients their childcare tax statement for the previous year. A tax statement details how much a patron has paid toward childcare throughout the year. Some statements may not find their way to a client for a variety of reasons (i.e. updated e-mail address, no e-mail address on file). In these cases, the client will reach out to us for a copy of their statement.
1. Sign in to PARKS DIRECT and select the menu icon on the upper-left corner.
2. In the search bar, type statements. Then select Statements under the results.

3. Select the Statement History tab. PARKS DIRECT opens the Statement Criteria tab by default.

4. Search for the client’s statement by using the household number or last name filters.
5. Highlight the client’s statement, then select View on the bottom left of the window.
Download the statement and email it to the client
6. Download the statement as a PDF.
7. Next, e-mail the client's tax statement PDF.
Optional email template
Hello XXXXXX, here’s your childcare tax statement. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding your statement, and we'll work with you on finding a solution.