When duplicate households have been identified, open the household merge tool:

Look up the households you are merging, keeping the HH you're keeping on the right as the "To Household".
The next screen lets you manipulate the order of family members and which family members are duplicates (if any).
Note the example above. Donald and Donnie will be merged into one family member and since the member number is 1, that person will be the Head of Household.
Make edits to the order, or to who will be merged together as necessary using the pencil icon:

Click Continue to finish the process.
For additional information, please refer to this article from our software provider: https://apps1.vermontsystems.com/wbwsc/mdpgparksrt.wsc/help.html?interface=RecTrac&screen=HouseholdMerge&design=VSI&field