Please delete all documents from the local machine that will be downloaded during this process. Protecting our customer's Personal Information (PI) is paramount.
In order to be eligible for certain programs or discounted residency fees, customers must verify the age and residency listed on their PARKS DIRECT account. To learn more about this policy or see what documents are accepted as verification, please refer to our Age/Residency Policy.
Update a Customer's Residency Status:
After viewing an acceptable Residency Verification Document, you can update the customer's residency status by going to "Household Update."
One of the fields at the top will be "Category" and you'll have the 4 residency options listed:
- Prince George's County Resident
- Montgomery County Resident
- Impact Area Resident
- Non-Resident
Simply select the appropriate residency category based on the address listed on the Residency Verification Document

Residency Status only needs to be set once per Household on the Primary Member
Update a Customer's Age Status:
After viewing an acceptable Age Verification Document, you can update the customer's age status by going to "Household Update"
For the Primary Member, scroll down until you see "Additional Primary Person Information." Find the question "Did you verify this member's birthdate?" and select "Birthdate Verified" from the drop-down menu. Ensure that the "Primary Person's Driver's License Number" is filled out with the appropriate number from the Driver's License (or ID number from alternative Age Verification document). Save and close all Household windows.

For any additional Household Members, highlight their name on the right and click "Member Details"

Find the question "Did you verify this member's birthdate?" and select "Birthdate Verified" from the drop-down menu. Save and close all Household windows.