Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How customers rent a Park Building

Updated on

Prince George’s Parks and Recreation's historic mansions, multipurpose rooms, gymnasiums, facilities, and more are available to rent for customers to host their next event.

Go here for information on all of Prince George's rentals.

The following steps are from a customer's perspective. 

1. Go to and sign in to your PARKS DIRECT account.

  • Select SIGN IN on the upper-right corner of PARKS DIRECT's home page. Then enter your username and password in the boxes. Lastly, select the Login button below the Username and Password boxes.

2. Move down the home page and select the Park Buildings tile that's below the page's sliding images banner, or select Browse > Park Buildings on the navigation bar.

Enter the date of your rental

3. On the calendar, select the date that you want to rent out the park building.

To view future months, select the Next Month button to the right of the current month.

Park buildings are only available for scheduling up to 180 days in advance of your event. 

Enter the park where your rental is located

4. Enter the park's name where the facility is located in the Keyword Search box. Or move down the facility search page until you find the park building you want to reserve.

 5. Select Search below the filters on the left.

You can change how facilities are displayed by selecting the text next to Display Option on the top of the search results.

Listing - Shows a facilities list.

Detail - Shows facilities in a list with their prices.

Calendar - Shows the availability for the month you selected in the Date box.

Map - Shows an overhead view of a facility on a map.

Enter your rental's time frame

6. Choose your rental's time frame by selecting a time listed to the right of Book Now.

PARKS DIRECT accounts created online are marked as non-residents (and charged non-resident fees) until Parks and Recreation receives necessary documents for age and residency verification. For instructions on how to upload verification documents, please go to our article on residency status.

In the screenshot below, the resident price is followed by (R) and the non-resident price is followed by (NR).

7. Select Add To Cart on the pop-up banner at the bottom of the screen. 

Enter your rental information

8. In the Expected Attendance box, enter your event's estimated attendance. Then select Continue under the box.

Capacity varies from building to building.

9. Check the checkbox next to the PARKS DIRECT family member who's paying for the rental and select Continue.

If you need to add a family member select My Account > Household & Member, and select the Add New Member button at the bottom of the page.

10. In the Reservation Purpose box, enter why you are renting the facility. For example, you might rent a park building for a 3-year-old’s birthday party, high school graduation party, or family reunion. 

11. Check the check box below the Reservation Purpose box.

Review waivers and policy, then complete your payment

12. Read the rental's waivers. Then check the checkbox next to I agree with the above and Continue below the waivers.

13. In the shopping cart, review your purchase and select Proceed To Checkout. 

14. Enter your payment information, complete the captcha, and select Continue. You can also donate to a Parks and Recreation sponsored charity by selecting the Add a Donation button.

After selecting Continue, do not use the back button on your browser.

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