- In order to create a league schedule:
- In the search bar search "League Schedule".
- Select "League Schedule Management".

- In Schedule management there are 3 type of schedule you are able to create.
- "Auto Schedule Generator", "Matrix Schedule Generator", and Manual Schedule Generator"

1. Select the appropriate league
2. Select "Matrix Schedule Generator".

We can create League's with 10 teams or less than 10 teams.
1. "Schedule With Open Games" teams that are less than 10 can leave the schedule open.
2. "Reduce League Team Count" reduces the schedule to the number of teams that are enrolled.
For this example I will continue with "Schedule With Open Games".

Select "Yes" or "No" for "Are All Games Double Headers".

For "Facility Headcount" you will need to count all team players, coaches, parents and guest.
MATCH "Begin Date" and "End Date" for the respective league.
Click "Create Time Slots".

In the "Slots Needed/Selected" rectrac will inform you how many "Slots Needed" and "Slots Selected".
In order to create the full 25 you will need to make edits on

Once you "Create Time Slots" the time blocks below will reflect the league.
As the final step, click on "Schedule Games" to complete this process.