How to create a case for Director's Correspondence.
1. On the Left hand side under Service, select Cases.
2. Select New Case up above.

3. Under Case Title, enter the case description.
4. Under Case Type, press ENTER on your keyboard and select Directors Correspondence.
5. Under Customer, search for an existing contact for your case. If your contact does not exist, create a new contact by selecting New Contact. (Learn how to create a new contact here.)
6. Under Director's Correspondence, search for an organization. If the organization does not exist, create new organization By selecting New Organization. (Learn how to create a new organization here.)
7. Under Origin, select how the request was received. For the Description, enter a description of the request.
8. Once the fields have been completed, click Save.

After you've saved your case, you're are able to Assign this case to a specific person/team.
1. On the top right-hand side, click Assign.
2. The Assign to field defaults to User or team.
3. Under User or team, search for the appropriate person/team.
1. Under Timeline, click the paperclip icon.
2. A new window will now open, select the file you wish to attach and click Open.
3. Enter a Title and a brief description.
4. Click Add note to post your attachment.
1. Under Timeline, select the plus icon and then Note.
2. Enter a Title and a brief description.
3. Click Add note to post your attachment.