Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How create a Complaint/Compliment in Dynamics

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How to create a case for a Complaint/Compliment.

1. On the Left hand side under "Service" select "Cases".

2. Select "New Case" up above.

  • Enter description for the Complaint or Compliment under "Case Title".
  • Under "Case Type" hit ENTER, select "Complaint/Compliment".
  • Under "Category" hit ENTER, select the appropriate complaint/compliment.
Complaint/Compliment Facility Category
  1. Under "Customer" search customer or create new contact.(How to create a new contact guide here.)
  2. Select the "Location".
  3. Enter a brief description of the Complaint/Compliment under "Description".
  4. Select "Yes" or "No" under "Does Customer Want Follow-Up".
  5. Select whether it is a "Complaint" or "Compliment".
Complaint/Compliment Program/Event Category
  1. Enter appropriate "Case Title".
  2. Under "Customer" search customer or create new contact.(How to create a new contact guide here.)
  3. Select the "Location".
  4. Enter a brief description of the "Program/Event Name".
  5. Select whether it is a "Complaint" or "Compliment".
Complaint/Compliment Staff Member Category
  1. Enter appropriate "Case Title".
  2. Under "Customer" search customer or create new contact.(How to create a new contact guide here.)
  3. Select the "Location".
  4. Enter staff member name under "Staff Member Name".
  5. Select whether it is a "Complaint" or "Compliment".
Complaint/Compliment Vehicle Category
  1. Enter appropriate "Case Title".
  2. Search "customer" or create new contact. (How to create new contact guide here.)
  3. Enter "License Plate #" and "Vehicle #".
  4. Enter "Location of Incident".
  5. Enter a brief "Description" of the incident.
  6. Select whether it is "Complaint/Compliment".


Once you have filled out all information for that case click "Save & Route"

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