Parks and Recreation Knowledge Base

How create a Complaint/Compliment in Dynamic's

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How to create a case for a Complaint/Compliment.

1. On the Left hand side under "Service" select "Cases".

2. Select "New Case" up above.

Enter description for the Complaint or Compliment under "Case Title"

Under "Case Type" hit ENTER, select "Complaint/Compliment".

Under "Category" hit ENTER, select the appropriate complaint/compliment.

Complaint/Compliment Facility Category
  1. Under "Customer" search customer or create new contact.(How to create a new contact guide here.)
  2. Select the "Location".
  3. Enter a brief description of the Complaint/Compliment under "Description".
  4. Select "Yes" or "No" under "Does Customer Want Follow-Up".
  5. Select whether it is a "Complaint" or "Compliment".
Complaint/Compliment Program/Event Category
  1. Enter appropriate "Case Title".
  2. Under "Customer" search customer or create new contact.(How to create a new contact guide here.)
  3. Select the "Location".
  4. Enter a brief description of the "Program/Event Name".
  5. Select whether it is a "Complaint" or "Compliment".
Complaint/Compliment Staff Member Category
  1. Enter appropriate "Case Title".
  2. Under "Customer" search customer or create new contact.(How to create a new contact guide here.)
  3. Select the "Location".
  4. Enter staff member name under "Staff Member Name".
  5. Select whether it is a "Complaint" or "Compliment".
Complaint/Compliment Vehicle Category
  1. Enter appropriate "Case Title".
  2. Search "customer" or create new contact. (How to create new contact guide here.)
  3. Enter "License Plate #" and "Vehicle #".
  4. Enter "Location of Incident".
  5. Enter a brief "Description" of the incident.
  6. Select whether it is "Complaint/Compliment".


Once you have filled out all information for that case click "Save & Route"

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